Carboxyl Polystyrene Particles, Crosslinked, 2.5%w/v, 8.0-12.9µm, 10mL

Der Lieferant: Gentaur

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359.04 EUR

Katalognummer: 7-CPX-100-10

Größe: 10 mL

Carboxyl Polystyrene Particles, Crosslinked, 2.5%w/v, 8.0-12.9µm, 10mL
Carboxyl Polystyrene Particles, Crosslinked, 2.5%w/v, 8.0-12.9µm, 10mL

Catalog number: / Size: / Price: EUR (Excluded VAT)

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Carboxyl Polystyrene Particles, Crosslinked, 2.5%w/v, 8.0-12.9µm, 10mL
Carboxyl Polystyrene Particles, Crosslinked, 2.5%w/v, 8.0-12.9µm, 10mL

Catalog number: / Size: / Price: EUR (Excluding VAT)

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