Polyclonal ACTL6B polyclonal antibody

Der Lieferant: Gentaur

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Katalognummer: 882-AMM05547G

Größe: 0.1ml

Polyclonal ACTL6B polyclonal antibody
Polyclonal ACTL6B polyclonal antibody

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Polyclonal ACTL6B polyclonal antibody
Polyclonal ACTL6B polyclonal antibody

Catalog number: / Size: / Price: EUR (Excluding VAT)

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A polyclonal antibody raised in Rabbit that recognizes and binds to Human ACTL6B polyclonal . This antibody is tested and proven to work in the following applications:
  • Type: Antibody
  • Clonality: Polyclonal
  • Recognized antigen: ACTL6B polyclonal
  • Host: Rabbit
  • Species reactivity: Human
  • Applications: WB, E
Shipped on ice packs. Upon receving the antibodies keep them at +4°C for up to 2 weeks. For long-term storage store at -20°C or below for up to 12 months. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles by preparing working aliqotes prior to freezing.
For research use only. Do not use for human or animal diagnostics or treatment.

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