pVL-GFP. GFP tagging of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins in baculovirus system.

Der Lieferant: Gentaur

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35.20 EUR

Katalognummer: 663-B8

Größe: 50 ul

pVL-GFP. GFP tagging of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins in baculovirus system.
pVL-GFP. GFP tagging of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins in baculovirus system.

Katalognummer: / Größe: / Preis: EUR (Excluded VAT)

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pVL-GFP. GFP tagging of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins in baculovirus system.
pVL-GFP. GFP tagging of cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins in baculovirus system.

Katalognummer: / Größe: / Preis: EUR (Excluding VAT)

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Protein expression
Baculovirus plasmid transfer vectors
Spodoptera frugiperda, Trichoplusia ni
Storage:plus 4C/Shipping:Blue ice

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